Комментарий #7616935

@Goddess of Happiness, добрый вечер. я неверно сформулировала мысль, спасибо за то, что указали на этот недочёт. это интервью анно дал после выхода сериала, во время создания "конца евангелиона" в 1996 году. цитата звучит так:

“I only make work for myself, not for the audience. However, making works is still the only way I can relate to other people. This relationship is like a masturbation show, because other people are watching me act to please myself. They decide by themselves how they react to it. I do not directly “pleasure” others. It requires some narcissism to be an author. Someone entirely lacking self-confidence wouldn’t “expose” themselves like I do.”
  • Hideaki Anno, June interview 1996-08-22.
Goddess of Happiness
Goddess of Happiness#
@khhhhh, Благодарю)
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