До изменения:
The story follows Yuuta Sakura, a third-year middle school student who boasts about his "invincible strength" in arcade fighting games. At the game center he meets another boy, Takemichi Umesaki, and then gets entangled with a group of delinquents. A swordsman, Azuya Momoyama, happens to pass by. The delinquents are defeated by a strange weapon and a strange fighting style. Yuuta is inspired and, along with Takemichi, begins to learn about weapons[source]animenewsnetwork.com[/source]
После изменения:
The story follows Yuuta Sakura, a third-year middle school student who boasts about his "invincible strength" in arcade fighting games. At the game center he meets another boy, Takemichi Umesaki, and then gets entangled with a group of delinquents. A swordsman, Azuya Momoyama, happens to pass by. The delinquents are defeated by a strange weapon and a strange fighting style. Yuuta is inspired and, along with Takemichi, begins to learn about weapons.[source]animenewsnetwork.com[/source]