После изменения:
Pilot of the Mark Fünf (V) in the sequel Heaven and Earth and Exodus.
A confident, easy-going but generous and wise person, he serves as an idol and announcer of Tatsumiya Island. He usually goes along with Seri, where he seems has a crush on her.
[spoiler=спойлер]In the sequel Exodus, Hiroto is shot down and killed by Dustin Morgan. His Mark Fünf is later captured by Neo U.N which is then used as a basis of the new Salvator model, Mark Raison. Since he leaves Tatsumiya Island, he doesn't develop his SDP ability. His remains manage to be retrieved by Kyōsuke Mizoguchi as he escapes with Maya.[/spoiler][source]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Fafner_in_the_Azure_characters[/source]