As the character designer Yoshiyuki Sadamoto explains in an interview in the second volume of the manga, the main characters in robot anime are usually distinguished by a militant spirit. In "Evangelion", Shinji manages the robot without any enthusiasm, so I had to come up with a new image. Initially, Sadamoto tried to create a character that reflects the minds of anime fans. It was supposed to be a pure image, more of a woman, a man theoretically ready to commit suicide, but unable to decide on it, giving up on everything. Also, according to Sadamoto, characters Shinji in anime and manga several differ from-for moreover, that with perspective Director receives more superficial treatment Hideaki Anno Shinji should be secure outside, but with madness within. From Sadamoto's point of view, Shinji was supposed to be outwardly childish, but inwardly persistent and serious. Shinji's appearance was originally planned to be somewhat different — he had to have longer hair that would cover his face in dramatic scenes or flutter in the wind. But the result was too wild. So Sadamoto switched to a different appearance when Shinji looks like a girl disguised as a boy. More precisely, the appearance was based on Nadia from "Nadia: the Secret of Blue Water". The resulting image, according to Anno, reflects his consciousness. Although Anno and recognizes, that his, unlike Shinji, not deserted father.
・Kaworu Nagisa (jap. 渚カヲル)
In the early stages of creating the character, Kaworu was depicted with a cat that could take the form of an angel. In the ninth volume of the manga, one of the artworks showed Kaworu dressed in black and holding a black cat. Kaworu was named screenwriter by Akio Satsukawa. Kaworu's surname comes from the Japanese word "Nagisa" (渚), which means "hydraulic engineering" or "shore", something related to the sea.

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