Astraea chose the most fitting vessel to possess for the goddess of justice and balance. A person who was born to stand above others...
If you believe that premise holds true, she certainly fits the bill. Having accepted that her duty is to wield justice as her Authority, she will never go out of control by claiming it to be her right.
...However, despite her virtuous standard, whenever she comes across anything rare or precious, she has a tendency to think it of utmost importance that it be protected. In other words, she is the most elegant (cunning hyena) even when she is from the heavens.
Рост/Вес: 160 см · 49 кг Источник: Греческая мифология Регион: Греция Мировоззрение: Порядочное Доброе Пол: Женский В современном мире намного более известной, нежели оригинальная Астрея, стала Богиня правосудия (Lady Justice).
She originates from one of the three Horae Sisters in Greek mythology and is said to have been a daughter of Zeus and Themis, but there are few accounts of this to be found in Greek myth. Legend has it that during the Iron Age, while many gods left Earth as evil ran rampant, she was one of the few who stayed behind until the very end and tirelessly appealed to humanity's sense of justice. The story of her scales later becoming Libra and she herself becoming Virgo garner only brief mention. However, in later ages, she and her mother Themis (with whom she is sometimes conflated), and Justitia from Roman mythology were given a different name and attendant significance. Namely, Lady Justice, or the goddess of justice. She is often seen depicted in statue form as a lady wielding a sword and scales and frequently appears in front of courthouses and law offices.
Originally, her functional aspects were more pronounced, and she was a good deal sterner and more uncompromising. However, her vessel's influence has softened her and now she tries to guide humanity personally. The same influence can be attributed to her insistence upon hand-to-hand combat. She may wield a sword and scales, but in a fight, she will simply toss them away to engage in techniques most often seen in professional wrestling, which she sees as her true justice. Whether this was unfortunate or simply inevitable when her vessel was chosen is not clear, but the fact of the matter is that the girl's style matched Astraea's unparalleled toughness as a Divine Spirit of judgment, ultimately becoming the most prominent Servant for unarmed combat.
Blessing of the Scale: A+ A skill based on the Divine Spirit Astraea's Authority. This skill deploys an impenetrable defense mechanism against targets awaiting judgment, as the scales that symbolize Astraea are embedded within her body. However, her vessel's wishes have transformed it into a skill intended for hand-to-hand combat. In other words, the professional wrestler will never fall.
Star's Judgment: A Under the Authority of the stars, all targets who are to be tried, humans on Earth and even Divine Spirits, are forced to accept their judgment.
The Time of Judgment Is Now. State Thy Name. The scales that are her original Authority materialize and the target is put on trial and sent to the court of the stars. The Noble Phantasm then rains down stardust in accordance to the weight of the target's crime. Unlike Ishtar, who throws the concept of Venus with all her might, Astraea hurls countless stars from the night sky without restraint.
As she has ever been the embodiment of justice for humanity, she will not hesitate to assist in humanity's restoration. Should she have a Master who still has room to grow, she is all the more enthusiastic, believing that it is her duty to guide them. Her vessel's personality also factors into this, and so the Servant is quite stern with regards to her Master's demeanor. If her Master is vulgar, she will not hold back in coaching them (through physical means, including drop-kicks). For Masters who wish to stand alongside her, it would be best not to neglect their training.
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Иллюстратор: Mitsuro Sakuma (サクマミツロ)
善の軽さ。罪の重さ。 悪の重さ。罰の軽さ。
彼女の天秤は、 いつだってそういうものを正しく裁定する。
たとえ相手が神であろうとも、 彼女の公正さは疑う余地がない。
だから。 彼女がこの天秤を置くときは、 ほんの少しだけ、正しさを休むときだ。
正しさをやめるのではなく、ほんの少しだけ休む。 きっとそれは、ただひとりのマスターのために
The lightness of good. The weight of sin. The weight of evil. The lightness of punishment.
Her scales always balance.
Even should she be judging a god, none can doubt the impartiality of her rulings.
It is when she sets her scales aside that justice may take something of a break.
Not to say that justice has been halted altogether. More of a...hiatus.
She surely does this only for the sake of a single Master.