Навык активен, если Артурия Пендрагон с экипированной эссенцией находится на поле боя.
Иллюстратор: Юкисамэ & Акита Ину
The legend speaks. Kings are noble, holy, and unreachable. As a promising and fulfilling tomorrow awaits. The star speaks. Eras will change, rules will change. The age of kingship will one day come to an end. The crown shines brightly atop accepting the truth. Even one shall never be rewarded, and even if the ideal shall never be realized.
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Причина для борьбы Требования: Вознесение: 1, Ур. связи: 3
Legendary King of Britain, and the King of Knights. Her childhood name was Altria, but she has been known as King Arthur since her coronation. At a time when chivalry was dying like a flower wilting away, she brought momentary peace and the last bit of prosperity to Britain with her sacred sword in hand. In history books Arthur is male, but in this world she is a woman in disguise.
Легендарный король Британии, также известный как Король Рыцарей. Артурия - это ее детское имя, и, после ее возвышения в роли короля, ее начали называть Королем Артуром. Во времена, когда рыцарство потеряло свою красоту, она со святым мечом в руках принесла краткий миг мира и окончательное процветание в Британию. История запомнила ее как мужчину, но похоже, что в этом мире она была переодетой красавицей.
Биография Уровень 1
Рост/Вес: 154 см · 42 кг Источник: Легенда о короле Артуре Регион: Англия Мировоззрение: Порядочное · Доброе Пол: Женский Не знает, как реагировать на привязанность, так как она притворялась мужчиной.
Биография Уровень 2
An idealistic king who believes a good living and a good life is all anyone needs. Protects the weak, punishes the strong, and is an all around a completely faultless person. Calm and steady, she is always serious and a model human being. ...But, even though she doesn't say it out loud, she hates losing. She doesn't go easy on herself, and feels great remorse when she loses.
Биография Уровень 3
Charisma: B A natural born leader to guide armies. Improves her own army's strengths on the battlefield. Swears by complete honesty and selfless devotion. Knights kneel to her justness, and the people can survive any hardship with her hope. Her path of kingship is not to rule over a handful of the strong, but to save many of the poor.
Биография Уровень 4
『Excalibur』 Rank: A++ NP Type: Anti-Fortress Sword of Promised Victory. A weapon not forged by man, but a Divine Construct forged within the Planet. The Noble Phantasm that is greatest of all sacred swords. The true power of the sword lies within its sheath, which is said to be lost forever.
Биография Уровень 5
The Legend of King Arthur marks the end of the era of knights. King Arthur repelled many foreign enemies, but was unable to save Britian. Due to the betrayal of Mordred, one of the Knights of the Round Table, the country was split into two and the Knights' castle Camelot lost its gleam.
Биография Clear Interlude: Reasons to Fight
King Arthur defeated Mordred on the Hill of Camlann, but she suffered fatal wounds and fell to her knees. Before her last breath, she entrusted her sacred sword to her last confidante Bedivere, and left the human realm. After death, she was taken to utopia... Avalon, a paradise that exists beyond this realm. It is said she will return to save Britain once again in the distant future.