Комментарий #4477907

Серьёзно MAL то адекватен? Там психам поставившим единицы франксу накрутили куча плюсов.
1.Я напомню,все то что вывалил франкс не выдержали даже фанаты, обитающие в главной эхо-комнате.Из за чего реддит наполнился подобными картинками.

1.1 Что уж говорить об именитом пользователе /olcon написавшему множество теории по франксу.
My final act will be as a martyr, and I will not run from my duty. The account will not be deleted.
Downvote this comment to voice your rage, grief and displeasure. Flame me, threaten me, whatever. Use this comment as an outlet for your various emotions. I can take it all.
I will throw it all away, just as the writers did. They had so many options and interpretations available to them, and they chose the worst one, the cliche and safe one.
My goal going forward will be to salvage this mess, and tell the story I thought we should've seen.
I'm sorry.
It's beginning to genuinely feel like the effort I put into this series was worthless, lmao. Zero Two's character was decided as they went along, with no consistency. The second half was decided by a voting system. First, we thought it was a masterpiece. Then we thought it had some exposition issues. Now we realize that it was all vapid air the entire time. All clouds. If this is accurate, Nishigori only really wanted to write episode 13, and slowly lost interest in his own project as time went on.
I've tried to accurately base MitF's Zero Two on her canon equivalent. I've tried to keep her true to form. And now, this anon comes along and tells me that there wasn't any basis to begin with. Those theories I pulled from the clouds were the basis all along.
It feels like I'm in a Twilight Zone episode.

1.2 Не забуду об ютубере Nearly On Red (его 2 часовых обзоров на каждую серию франкса) и о его дальнейшей реакции на интервью от создателей франкса...
1.3 Так что ничего удивительного в негативных отзывах от профессиональных критиков мала и соответствующей реакции сообщества +
(после выхода 6 серий на МАЛе 3 из 4х рецензий в топе были отрицательными и уже тогда доходчиво поясняли что не так)

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