OAuth2 Guide

How OAuth works
+-------------------+                                          +---------------+
|                   |----------- Authorization Grant --------->|               |
|                   |<---------- Authorization Code -----------|               |
|                   |                                          |               |
|                   |                                          |               |
|                   |-------------- Access Token ------------->|               |
|                   |<---------- Protected Resource -----------|               |
|      Client       |                                          |               |
| (your mobile app) |                                          |   Shikimori   |
|   (or website)    |-------------- Access Token ------------->|               |
|                   |<---------- Invalid Token Error ----------|               |
|                   |             (token is expired)           |               |
|                   |                                          |               |
|                   |                                          |               |
|                   |------------- Refresh Token ------------->|               |
|                   |<----------- New Access Token ------------|               |
|                   |              & Refresh Token             |               |
+-------------------+                                          +---------------+
1. Create Application

Create your own application on the page /oauth/applications

2. Get Authorization Code

In your application, redirect the user to shikimori authorization page.


There the user must authorize your application so you could receive an authorization token.

3. Get Access Token
curl -X POST "https://shikimori.one/oauth/token" \
-F grant_type="authorization_code" \
-F client_id="CLIENT_ID" \
-F client_secret="CLIENT_SECRET" \
-F redirect_uri="REDIRECT_URI"

Access Token is expired in 1 day.

When your Access Token is expired you will get 401 status code with the message

{"error":"invalid_token","error_description":"The access token is invalid","state":"unauthorized"}
4. Request Shikimori protected resources with obtained Access Token
curl -X GET https://shikimori.one/api/users/whoami \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"
5. Refresh Access Token

Use your Refresh Token to obtain new Access Token and Refresh Token.

curl -X POST "https://shikimori.one/oauth/token" \
-F grant_type="refresh_token" \
-F client_id="CLIENT_ID" \
-F client_secret="CLIENT_SECRET" \
-F refresh_token="REFRESH_TOKEN"