# | Название | Оценка | Эпизоды | Тип |
1 | Little Witch Academia (TV)Академия ведьмочек | – | 0/25 | Сериал |
2 | BakiБаки | – | 12/26 | ONA |
3 | One Punch Man 2nd SeasonВанпанчмен 2 | – | 0/12 | Сериал |
4 | Golden BoyЗолотой парень | – | 0/6 | OVA |
5 | Hokuto no KenКулак Северной звезды | – | 7/109 | Сериал |
6 | Dagashi KashiМагазинчик сладостей | – | 5/12 | Сериал |
7 | Chuukan Kanriroku TonegawaМенеджер среднего звена Тонэгава | – | 0/24 | Сериал |
8 | Mob Psycho 100 IIМоб Психо 100 2 | – | 0/13 | Сериал |
9 | Boku no Hero Academia 3rd SeasonМоя геройская академия 3 | – | 1/25 | Сериал |
10 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no KazeНевероятное приключение ДжоДжо: Золотой ветер | – | 28/39 | Сериал |
11 | Osomatsu-sanОсомацу-сан | – | 13/25 | Сериал |
12 | Overlord IIПовелитель 2 | – | 0/13 | Сериал |
13 | SlayersРубаки | – | 10/26 | Сериал |
14 | Death ParadeСмертельный парад | – | 3/12 | Сериал |
15 | Yowamushi PedalТрусливый велосипедист | – | 19/38 | Сериал |
# | Название | Оценка | Эпизоды | Тип |
1 | Inferno CopАдский полицейский It has some good jokes, sometimes the plot is too stupid, but it still can make you smile | 7 | 13/13 | ONA |
2 | Touhai Densetsu Akagi: Yami ni Maiorita TensaiАкаги, легенда маджонга If you learn basics of mahjong with billions of terms, it's even better than Kaiji. Dude, Kaiji has great ideas and fundaments about gambling stuff, but they failed to make it a greater adaptation. Akagi on the other hand fucking nails it, everything is perfect, the music, the atmosphere of smoked small room and the gambling match of mahjong. Only downside that it ends roughly, but in a forgiving way. | 10 | 26/26 | Сериал |
3 | Little Witch AcademiaАкадемия ведьмочек. Фильм Mage hats everyone. | 8 | 1/1 | Фильм |
4 | One Punch ManВанпанчмен This comment will be self-explanatory: ONE PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNCH. | 9 | 12/12 | Сериал |
5 | Steins;GateВрата Штейна Great plot, but a bit overextended. Also it's more about love story. | 9 | 24/24 | Сериал |
6 | Tengen Toppa Gurren LagannГуррен-Лаганн, пронзающий небеса I prefer Kill la Kill more. | 7 | 27/27 | Сериал |
7 | Girls & PanzerДевушки и танки You're gonna play World of Tanks after that, nigga | 10 | 12/12 | Сериал |
8 | Rozen MaidenДевы Розена 8 out of 10, +1 for atmospheric plot and soundtrack | 9 | 12/12 | Сериал |
9 | Rozen Maiden: TraumendДевы Розена: Сновидение | 8 | 12/12 | Сериал |
10 | Detroit Metal CityДетройт, город металла It's fun in very creative ways, with the fuckhead style. Nothing lewd in the humor, so pick it free. | 9 | 12/12 | OVA |
11 | AnotherИная Battle Royale | 7 | 12/12 | Сериал |
12 | Initial D First StageИнициал Ди: Стадия первая Speed speed lover. | 8 | 26/26 | Сериал |
13 | Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate SurvivorКайдзи Being an irl gambler (e-sports and crypto), I took it in very close. I fully understsand the main character, his emotions and desires. There is a genre called "game", where most of the time characters play games a lot. Even JoJo had parts of this genre. But Kaiji took it to a different level. They've created almost exactly that feels when you lose in gambles. Or when you win and want more. Stylized with the demon thing and boom, a masterpiece was born. I enjoyed it, but, the later parts felt kinda long. | 9 | 26/26 | Сериал |
14 | Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Hakairoku-henКайдзи 2 It's too long for its arcs. 2/3 of the story is not interesting, and no strategies for a fucking pachinko. But it's still a kaiji anyway. You can skip this season and read manga, i'm totally sure it's better. | 7 | 26/26 | Сериал |
15 | Maoyuu Maou YuushaКоролева демонов и Герой BOOBS. ...And medieval economics. | 8 | 12/12 | Сериал |
16 | RedlineКрасная черта gangnam style | 7 | 1/1 | Фильм |
17 | Yuru YuriЛилии на ветру 5th episode, only there the title actually match. For the rest of the title, it's a fine life-based anime. The one I could watch, actually. | 6 | 12/12 | Сериал |
18 | Mob Psycho 100Моб Психо 100 Addition to "OP" genre. | 9 | 12/12 | Сериал |
19 | Boku no Hero AcademiaМоя геройская академия You're the best around. Nothing's gonna ever keep you down. upd.The first season has a great soundtrack, too sad it's short. In the second one I disliked the olympic part, the structure of storytelling in that part (did it always was like a fucking naruto?), the OST kinda lost it's grace. However, it's still going, the second half is pretty interesting and there is a lot to tell, so harden your seatbelts for couple of seasons. | 9 | 13/13 | Сериал |
20 | Boku no Hero Academia 2nd SeasonМоя геройская академия 2 | 7 | 25/25 | Сериал |
21 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV)Невероятное приключение ДжоДжо I even ready to read the manga Upd. I did it | 10 | 26/26 | Сериал |
22 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa KudakenaiНевероятное приключение ДжоДжо: Несокрушимый алмаз GUREITO DAZE The new style is funny and cartoony, first op is nuts, so much episodes, the main antagonist has the real killer identity. | 10 | 39/39 | Сериал |
23 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust CrusadersНевероятное приключение ДжоДжо: Рыцари звёздной пыли | 8 | 24/24 | Сериал |
24 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders - Egypt-henНевероятное приключение ДжоДжо: Рыцари звёздной пыли 2 | 8 | 24/24 | Сериал |
25 | Toaru Kagaku no RailgunНекий научный Рейлган Just great, 9 out of 10. | 9 | 24/24 | Сериал |
26 | Toaru Kagaku no Railgun SНекий научный Рейлган S Kudere love. At first I wanted to set 10 score, but then I watched the second half that was kinda meh. | 7 | 24/24 | Сериал |
27 | Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!Не моя вина, что я не популярна! Weird teen simulator. | 8 | 12/12 | Сериал |
28 | No Game No LifeНет игры — нет жизни WHY NOBODY TOLD ME THAT THERE IS NO SECOND SEASON!? | 1 | 12/12 | Сериал |
29 | I My Me! Strawberry EggsНу и ну! Земляничные яйца Jeez. What a wonderful oldie that was. Recommend. | 8 | 13/13 | Сериал |
30 | One OutsОдин на вылет Great thing to end my kaiji-like anime session. Probably will read the manga. It's not really about gamble, it's just the main guy have a plan to outcheat all opponents. Fun to watch, but I tired to dive into terms again, it has small parts of baseball knowledge, but it ain't deep, and it don't pay off if you learn the rules. | 8 | 25/25 | Сериал |
31 | Tokyo GodfathersОднажды в Токио Holy fuck! A feature film that's not a Miyazaki work and not about some young girl having problems. I love how it distance from typical anime standarts and telling a good story like a comedy (irl) movie would do. | 9 | 1/1 | Фильм |
32 | Ping Pong the AnimationПинг-понг Straight. Short. Incredible. I loved everything about it. It's more like a piece of animation art, and the sound accomplish that. Very enjoyable. | 10 | 11/11 | Сериал |
33 | OverlordПовелитель n1ce setting | 8 | 13/13 | Сериал |
34 | Hataraku Maou-sama!Повелитель тьмы на подработке! Watched it with my sister, we're both very pleased. | 7 | 13/13 | Сериал |
35 | Monster Musume no Iru NichijouПовседневная жизнь с девушкой-монстром Approvable fetish. | 8 | 12/12 | Сериал |
36 | Kurenai no ButaПорко Россо This was the first film I picked in my Ghibli journey, it was almost perfect one for my likings. | 9 | 1/1 | Фильм |
37 | Upotte!!Пострелушки! Kids with guns. No, they ARE guns. | 7 | 10/10 | ONA |
38 | Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na SekaiСкучный мир, где не существует самой идеи похабных шуток An anime with great settis, but somewhere failed at comedy. Inderesting anyway. | 7 | 12/12 | Сериал |
39 | Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodСтальной алхимик: Братство Hello. | 8 | 64/64 | Сериал |
40 | TrigunТриган Funny, then tragic. | 8 | 26/26 | Сериал |
41 | Panty & Stocking with GarterbeltТруська, Чулко и пресвятой Подвяз First anime I ever watched. Masterpiece of a style genre. Funny as hell. | 10 | 13/13 | Сериал |
42 | Kill la KillУбей или умри 8 out of 10, +1 for the soundtrack | 9 | 24/24 | Сериал |
43 | FLCLФури-кури what | 7 | 6/6 | OVA |
44 | Hellsing UltimateХеллсинг OVA Not really a fan of it, but it was quite fun. | 7 | 10/10 | OVA |
45 | Howl no Ugoku ShiroХодячий замок | 8 | 1/1 | Фильм |
46 | Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The AnimationШкола надежды и безнадёжные школьники Go play the game. | 6 | 13/13 | Сериал |
47 | Prison SchoolШкола-тюрьма This show kept me on the hypetrain up until the end. This is a comedy gold. It manages to show such a silly things in a hyper epic manner. | 10 | 12/12 | Сериал |
48 | Strike WitchesШтурмовые ведьмы This is my second anime I ever watched, so... I started it at 20th march. Thanks to HumanStarDust and his YTPMV "Blue Erica Chan". Nevermind the 10, it's my firstie. | 10 | 12/12 | Сериал |
49 | Strike Witches 2Штурмовые ведьмы 2 | 8 | 12/12 | Сериал |
50 | Strike Witches MovieШтурмовые ведьмы. Фильм | 6 | 1/1 | Фильм |
51 | Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!Этот замечательный мир! Kono Suba! Good stuff. It's like a slice of every typical MMO-RPG life. upd. Currently watching the second season, it evolved in the slice thing quite more, catched myself sleeping a couple of times, nevertheless I still somekind enjoy it. | 8 | 10/10 | Сериал |
52 | Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2Этот замечательный мир! 2 | 6 | 10/10 | Сериал |
53 | F-Zero: Falcon DensetsuЭф-Зеро: Легенда о капитане Соколе Only because falcon punch. Fuck me, that was a long session. | 7 | 51/51 | Сериал |
54 | Shingeki no Bahamut: GenesisЯрость Бахамута: Генезис Simple, but well made. Those characters tho. | 8 | 12/12 | Сериал |
# | Название | Оценка | Эпизоды | Тип |
1 | Mahou Shoujo Madoka★MagicaДевочка-волшебница Мадока★Волшебство | – | 6/12 | Сериал |
2 | Sekai Seifuku: Bouryaku no ZvezdaЗавоеватели мира: Операция «Звезда» | – | 8/12 | Сериал |
3 | Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono deshita.Зверь под юбкой | – | 9/12 | ONA |
4 | The iDOLM@STERИдолмастер | – | 1/25 | Сериал |
5 | Ansatsu KyoushitsuКласс убийц | – | 1/22 | Сериал |
6 | Sakura-sou no Pet na KanojoКошечка из Сакурасо | – | 1/24 | Сериал |
7 | NarutoНаруто | – | 17/220 | Сериал |
8 | Working!!Работа!! | – | 1/13 | Сериал |
9 | Ryuugajou Nanana no MaizoukinСкрытое сокровище Нананы | – | 1/11 | Сериал |
10 | Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka deСупербои в повседневности | – | 1/12 | Сериал |
11 | Toradora!Торадора! | – | 2/25 | Сериал |
12 | Hoozuki no ReitetsuХладнокровный Хозуки | – | 1/13 | Сериал |