@Matsukaze, всё твоё мнение " из разряда сам придумал ахинею и сам выбрал цитаты под эту ахинею" А такими цитатами я тоже как- бы кидаться умею, почитай на досуге. . .
Dear readers, it has been a long time since I wrote the previous book. Here I brought the last book of the Lost Universe, "Yami Owaru Toki". From the beginning, this story had such words as "Dark Star" or "Nightmare", and those words easily reminded the readers of another novel series that I'm writing. I know that many many people are wondering how this story is related with Slayers. Now, I give you the answer! The correct answer is, "there is little relationship between the two stories." ................. ....Ouch! No! Please! Don't throw stones! .... Well, to tell the truth, I liked those names Dark Star or Gorunnova, and I used those names in two different stories. That was the beginning, and nothing more. Basically, Lost Universe and Slayers are different stories, so, even though they have some common names or common words, it's no good to let those characters be the same things. If I let Gorunnova in the two different stories the same thing, it would be unrifined for an Edokko. (Citizens of Edo. An "Edokko" is stylish and don't stick to things.) Anyway, I was born in Hyogo, and live in Osaka...
Но если твоё виденье всего этого, у тебя не сходится с мнением автора то тогда да, твоё "чёткое понимание" это несокрушимый аргумент. Спасибо за внимание и прекращай делать пустопорожние вбросы по "Рубакам" и "З.Вселенной", у вас вроде есть более насущные вопросы для обсуждения. . . или я ошибаюсь?
@Matsukaze, всё твоё мнение " из разряда сам придумал ахинею и сам выбрал цитаты под эту ахинею"А такими цитатами я тоже как- бы кидаться умею, почитай на досуге. . .
Here I brought the last book of the Lost Universe, "Yami Owaru Toki".
From the beginning, this story had such words as "Dark Star" or "Nightmare",
and those words easily reminded the readers of another novel series that I'm writing.
I know that many many people are wondering how this story is related with Slayers.
Now, I give you the answer!
The correct answer is, "there is little relationship between the two stories."
....Ouch! No! Please! Don't throw stones!
.... Well, to tell the truth, I liked those names Dark Star or Gorunnova,
and I used those names in two different stories.
That was the beginning, and nothing more.
Basically, Lost Universe and Slayers are different stories, so,
even though they have some common names or common words, it's no good to
let those characters be the same things.
If I let Gorunnova in the two different stories the same thing,
it would be unrifined for an Edokko. (Citizens of Edo. An "Edokko" is stylish
and don't stick to things.)
Anyway, I was born in Hyogo, and live in Osaka...
Спасибо за внимание и прекращай делать пустопорожние вбросы по "Рубакам" и "З.Вселенной", у вас вроде есть более насущные вопросы для обсуждения. . . или я ошибаюсь?