Комментарий #7653942

@kariya-dono, мне кажется, автор сам от себя такого не ожидал:lol:
@GrandL, теперь, когда я прочёл 14 томов, могу сказать, что он не просто ожидал, он к этому вёл с самого начала:lol:
Одна лишь фраза мамы ГГ в 11 томе решила всё.
“My, my. You have such steady hands, Ginko.”
“It’s part of my job. Shogi players’ fingertips are very sensitive, so dexterity is second nature.”
Her compliment lifting my spirits, I hum a tune and cut some more vegetables.
“If I may ask …… Does Yaichi ever say anything about me?”
“He talks a lot about that first apprentice of his, Ai. Usually, he’s asking me for advice on how to raise her. But I’ve hardly ever heard him say a word about you, Ginko. That’s why I’m so happy to get to meet you in person …… Now I understand exactly why he doesn’t say anything. He-he-he.”
Цитаты из двух разных мест, но смысл общий))
What could a person who thinks one loss is worth dying over ever hope to accomplish?
“I’ve raised three boys, so do you think I could call myself a professional?”
“Yes. I think you are more than qualified.”
“Then let me speak as a professional.”
She leans down next to my ear and whispers as if about to let me in on a very important secret.
“The thing about boys is that they try to hide the girl they like!”
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