Комментарий #8452529

Скарабею нужно взять хороший перерыв, он переработался. Апосимз мне кажется отражает его авторскую усталость, хотя безыдейной даже эту мангу не назовёшь - она рассказала про тупиковую модель общества. ...А вообще много недурных мангак выгорает последнее время, может на них как и на всех влияет то дерьмо, которое сейчас творится в мире.
"The clock I bought half a year ago that should be on the wall ever since has disappeared. Quite a while later, I find it in the refrigerator, but since I had a divorce years ago, and I now live alone, I am definitely who did this. This is all this book cover's fault. yeah. The once completed drawing was returned to be redone by the editors just because the shoulder straps on Shibo's breasts weren't drawn well. It's been 4 days since I started this drawing. First of all, the first rough art I submitted was Killy and Dhomochevsky holding a gun, but the editors forced me to "just draw tits". 20 years of being a manga artist, sometimes I just wanna draw what I want to. But still, all I get is emails from my manager asking me for the direct opposite of what I want to draw. Then I get laughed at when I ask what "π/" meant, thinking it was a typo, getting asked how an active manga artist doesn't know what π/ means.((side note π/ means tit oppai->pai-->π)) On top of that, I get complaints about using too much gray and black for a color print, making me give Sanakan's skin color and drawing tits larger, both Shibo and Sanakan ended up looking nothing like the original art. Gradually as I continue redrawing Shibo's tits, I start tearing up as I realize my unworthiness. But I had no time to cry. Even tomorrow, I need to finish the cover art for my ongoing "Aposimz" series' 2nd book. There's another reason I feel like crying. Cover art doesn't make me money. Once when I asked why, I was hit with the grinniest grin ever, getting told that's just how things are. But I've heard in other companies cover art makes money. No, the rumor that other manga artists get paid for cover art in Kodansha... No, gotta focus on my work, for now, no time for bad thoughts. Gotta work so that the most people possible will see this book. Honestly, though, I'd rather not have my old parents in the countryside see this book."
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