Комментарий #2414879

>Schera shouldered her scythe and began galloping as the vanguard. The white crows silently started following after her. Hoisted on diagonally-forward spears, they started the parade. Perhaps they were no longer feeling fear–The light in the cavalrymen’s eyes had vanished. They just simply followed the instructions of Schera, their superior officer. There was not a single sound of insecurity. Their formation was precise, and their horses advanced forward, focusing on the darkness in front of them.
The battleflags of Schera’s unit melted into the darkness, but they were raised high as if on display.
The soldiers held them over their heads, while smiling as if they had gone mad somewhere.
As if not feeling fatigue, they continued. And continued.
Every soldier except Vander, was looking up at the flags.
A bird prowled the dark scenery–an ominous bird that governed life and death. These men had come home, with this black flag as their objective.
Schera chewed on dried meat while gazing at them, and she laughed happily, and mischievously.

марш кавалерии смерти. это было просто охренительно.
эпик все таки завезли. да еще какой.
Апостол Ками-ниисамы
@dyx, Чет уехали куда то в темноту, без контекста не вставляет.
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