Комментарий #4654370

Скопипащу сюда отсылки по 7й серии с МАЛовского форума. Вдруг кто не дропнул это еще.
Отсылки к играм
Dragon Quest
Most of the episode is a DQ reference. The monster designs are ripoffs from the games, such as the Devil being an obvious ripoff of the Dragonlord from DQ1. The three heroines' outfits are from DQ games: Irina is dressed as Aurora from DQ Heroes, and Saori and Yuina are based off the mage and the fighter from DQ3, respectively. The menus are from DQ, and the spell of restoration are an obvious reference to the 20 character/52 character long passwords in DQ1 and DQ2, the mimic, dragging party members in a coffin, the enemy encounter transitions, talking to the king when you respawn and the music that plays when they're travelling is a ripoff of the DQ3 Overworld theme. There's too many references to list.

Phantasy Star
The brief battle with the monsters are an obvious parody of how battles look in the first two Phantasy Star games, with it showing the characters' backside and having the background be blue. A parody of the battle theme also plays during this first fight.

Ghost 'n' Goblins/Ghouls 'n' Ghosts
This is one is obvious. The red bird man that takes the bunny is an amalgamation of Red Arremer and a Hawk man enemy from Dragon Quest. A ripoff of the GnG theme plays during this segment as well.
Имхо, самый смотрибельный эпизод из 7ми.
Eltar Bernkastel
Eltar Bernkastel#
@World_Houp, норм так, начиная с серии с хомяками (мышами) - я уже начал путаться в представленных тайтлах.
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