Комментарий #9569578

@NecronWasTaken, Может тогда просто Японскую версию возьмём, чтобы развеять все недопонимания. Трудности перевода на английский язык тоже никто не отменял.
Было сложно, но я нашел, используя оригинальное название и запрос на японском вот это:







Гугл переводчик
I don't remember what triggered it. However, by the time I was able to remember, I was already longing for the "power behind the shadows".

"Is it an anime, a manga, a movie, no, it doesn't matter." If it was the power behind the scenes, I was fine with whatever it was.

He is neither the main character nor the final boss, but an existence who intervenes in the story behind the scenes and shows off his power.

"I admired such a powerful person behind the scenes, and wanted to become one."

Just like the hero that everyone admired as a child, he was the influential person behind the scenes for me. No more than that.

However, unlike children who yearn to be heroes, mine was never a temporary fever, but a burning sensation deep in my heart that never went away and kept me moving.

Karate, boxing, kendo, mixed martial arts... he did his best to master everything he needed to become stronger, and kept his abilities hidden. For that day that will come someday.

Перевод от ChatGPT-4
I don't remember what triggered it. But as far back as I can remember, I've always admired the "hidden powerhouses."

It didn't matter whether it was anime, manga, movies, or anything else. As long as they were a hidden powerhouse, I was content, no matter what it was.

They were not the protagonist, nor the final boss, but a presence that discreetly intervened in the story and demonstrated their power.

I admired such hidden powerhouses and wanted to become one myself.

Just like everyone admired heroes when they were children, for me, it was the hidden powerhouses. That was all there was to it.

The only difference between me and those kids who admired heroes was that my admiration was not just a temporary fever. Instead, it continued to burn deep within my heart, never fading, always pushing me forward.

Karate, boxing, kendo, mixed martial arts... I learned everything I needed to become strong with all my might, and kept my skills hidden. All for the day that would eventually come.

Так же нашел Pdf файл английской версии книжки, выпущенной "Yen Press LLC". Вот текст от туда:
I honestly can't remember what catalyzed this desire. All I know is I've admired shadowbrokers for as long as I can remember.
Was it a certain anime? Or was it a manga or a movie? Eh, I guess it doesn't matter. I was all in for anything that featured a mastermind, or an eminence in shadow as I like to call them. These characters were never the protagonists or final bosses but were relegated to a role behind the scenes where they flaunted their powers and meddled in the affairs of others. I've always looked up to the men in the shadows. I wanted to be one of them.
Think of children who worship their favorite superheroes. That was me but with master puppeteers.
Well, there was one thing that set us apart: My reverence for them wasn't short-lived. In fact, it buried itself deeper in my heart, never dying out and always guiding me through life. To become stronger, I learned everything from karate to boxing, from swordplay to mixed martial arts. I hammed it up during all my practices, concealing my true power from the world and preparing for the fated day.

Ну зато теперь видно откуда ноги растут, о кукловоде. Только в русском переводе это подано так, что он хочет быть именно кукловодом, но на моменте упоминания их силы, говорится вскользь, что она есть и она большая. А на деле во всех версиях говорится в этом моменте, о том, что у них есть сила и они флексят ею перед другими (смысл такой, формулировки разные). В русском этот момент упустили.
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