# | Название | Оценка | Эпизоды | Тип |
1 | BeckБек <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Бек: Восточная Ударная Группа.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> Certainly, this very good anime. First of all the musical. An anime about life. A growing of the young schoolboy and group in which he played. It is necessary to notice that here it is a lot of music. Music sounded in each series. Certainly, many songs repeated and, probably, in the first series of music was not so much. Though I any more don't remember, as the anime for a month has looked. Yes, hard looked. It was not pleasant that the anime is penetrated American and the British styles. All or the majority of songs are sung exclusively in English. Even style of animation reminds the American animated cartoons. In the same style are made both clips on opening and closing songs. Music was pleasant half – any songs more, any it is less. Ending at an anime simply class. Looks on one breath. Last five series has swallowed for a day. Start up to me songs, but as a whole this excellent musical anime were pleasant not all. <strong>My score:</strong> 85/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Конечно, это очень хорошее аниме. В первую очередь музыкальное. Аниме про жизнь. Взросление молодого школьника и группы, в которой он играл. Стоит отметить, что самой музыки здесь очень много. Музыка звучала в каждой серии. Конечно, многие песни повторялись и, возможно, в первых сериях музыки было не так много. Хотя я уже не помню, так как посмотрел аниме за месяц. Да, тяжеловато смотрелось. Не понравилось, что аниме пронизано американским и британскими стилями. Все или большинство песен поются исключительно на английском. Даже стиль анимации напоминает американские мультики. В том же стиле сделаны и клипы на открывающую и закрывающую песни. Сама музыка понравилась наполовину – какие-то песни больше, какие-то меньше. Концовка у аниме просто классная. Смотрится на одном дыхании. Последние пять серий проглотил за день. Пускай мне понравились далеко не все песни, но в целом это отличное музыкальное аним | 9 | 26/26 | Сериал |
2 | Toki wo Kakeru ShoujoДевочка, покорившая время <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Девушка, покорившая время. </u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> Fine film. All was pleasant. Very light anime. How many awards the film has collected – and, of course, deservedly. Was cool to listen to a chuff <strong>Makoto</strong> during run. Scoring is magnificent, subtitles aren't necessary almost here. Unless that the text смсок would be interesting for learning, but also all. Though it and a drama, and all the same you hope at viewing on any happy the end … However here the happy end it is quite possible to finish thinking most. Interesting, whom it she has decided to become? <strong>Awards</strong>: The winner <strong>Tokyo Anime Awards</strong> 2007 in nominations: – the best anime-film of year. – the best history/work. – the director's award — <strong>Mamoru Hosoda</strong>. – the best scenario — <strong>Yasutaka Tsutsui</strong>. – for achievements in the field of art — <strong>Nidzo Yamamoto</strong>. – for design of characters — <strong>Yosijuki Sadamoto</strong>. Award «the Best animation film» at 11th festival of animation in <strong>Kobe</strong> (2006). <strong>My score:</strong> 91/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Прекрасный фильм. Всё понравилось. Очень светлое аниме. Сколько наград-то фильм собрал – и, конечно, заслуженно. Прикольно было слушать пыхтение <strong>Макото</strong> во время бега. Озвучивание великолепно, субтитры почти не нужны тут. Разве, что текст смсок интересно было бы узнать, но и всё. Хоть это и драма, а всё равно надеешься при просмотре на какой-нибудь счастливой конец… Впрочем здесь счастливый конец вполне можно додумать самому. Интересно, кем это она стать решила? <strong>Награды</strong>: Победитель <strong>Tokyo Anime Awards</strong> 2007 года в номинациях: – лучший аниме-фильм года. – лучшая история/работа. – режиссёрская премия — <strong>Мамору Хосода</strong>. &nd | 9 | 1/1 | Фильм |
3 | Strawberry PanicКлубничная тревога!5 повторных просмотров <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Клубничная Тревога</u></strong> <strong>The first re-watch</strong> was on 12 Aug 2010 – 16 Aug 2010. <strong>The second re-watch</strong> was on 06 Sep 2010 – 18 Sep 2010. <strong>The third re-watch</strong> was on 25 Jul 2011 – 28 Jul 2011. <strong>The fourth re-watch</strong> was on 21 Dec 2011 – 25 Feb 2012. <strong>The fifth re-watch</strong> was on 13 Nov 2012 – 04 Dec 2012. <strong>My bad English:</strong> So, it was my second anime. And at once – <strong>the best in a genre yuri</strong>! Has very much impressed. The beautiful drawing. Pleases an eye, quite modern posing. Basically always it is possible to find to what to carp. For example, freeze frames instead of scenes with a considerable quantity of moving characters. It is not a lot of them, but the first thought – have saved. Or monotonous repetition of movement of hands at game on the piano. Basically it is peculiar to many animes. Impression doesn't spoil. But there are beautiful landscapes. However, in my opinion, in the end have a little bent with summer landscapes – on a plot already autumn, and after in general winter... All characters are easily learned and remembered. Basically because of various hair dresses and a hair colour. Colours, truth, surrealistic at some. Especially considerably, when the main characters stand in a class against schoolmates, at which entirely black-brown a hair colour. Nevertheless at each character the character is perfectly visible. And the role in this action. Music has very much impressed. Thanks <strong>Yoshihisa Hirano</strong> and all who has put to it a hand. Or a voice. Here it is magnificent not only background music. Which by the way is very successfully entered in an event on the screen. But girls play the classics the piano. And it is fine. As a pearl of all anime I consider a musical melody from last series – <strong>Mellow Berry Ballad</strong>. Both opening songs were pleasant. I can not tell at all what better. Clips too are quite good. Only often I see | 10 | 26/26 | Сериал |
4 | RedlineКрасная черта <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Красная черта.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> Far enough future. All cars don't go for a long time any more by the ground, and fly. The more interesting for all inhabitants of the Galaxy to see mad races where cars, use the newest engines, but thus all the same as and hundred years ago, adjoin to the earth. Moreover rules at race aren't present – so, it is possible to use any types of the weapon for which there will be a place in a car body. The drive begins from first seconds and doesn't come to an end till the latest instants. Speed, adrenaline and the finest humour which shows as though lightness of all event. Without which this anime would look a little pathosly, whether that. And so undivided fun and the sea, the drive sea. Magnificent music doesn't release practically for a second. Very dynamical compositions keep in suspense all time while cars fly at reckless speed. Certainly, they all the same go, but unless it is possible to tell about such wild speeds, what they "go"? Fly, only fly. As hurricanes, сметая, all on the way fly. To the unusual drawing quickly enough you get used. It is necessary to give due drawn manually one hundred thousand drawings. To seven years of working out. The anime is carried by very quickly. It is no wonder – at such speeds. Looks simply on one breath. And at a cinema. М-м, it something with something! <strong>My score:</strong> 93/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Достаточно далёкое будущее. Все машины давно уже не ездят по земле, а летают. Тем интереснее для всех жителей Галактики увидеть безумные гонки, где машины, используют новейшие двигатели, но при этом всё так же, как и сотни лет назад, соприкасаются с землёй. Более того правил у гонки нет – а значит, можно использовать любые типы оружия, для которых найдётся место в кузове машины. Драйв начинается с первых секунд и не заканчивается до самых последних мгновений. Скорость, адреналин и прекраснейший юмор, который | 9 | 1/1 | Фильм |
5 | Summer WarsЛетние войны <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Летние войны.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> Rather a simple film. Certainly, it is a comedy, first of all, but also at it amusing enough plot. Film action is partially developed in a virtual reality, in the whole network which has surrounded all globe and has got into all spheres of life of people. In my opinion, avatars of people very much look like plush toys. It cheerfully, of course, but develops sensation that the film is focused on children and teenagers. The plot by the way mentions quite actual for today a theme – the increasing penetration of computers and a virtual reality in life of people. Film certainly ridiculous and cheerful with a small amount of grief and the sad moments, but nevertheless it would be desirable a bit more humour. <strong>My score:</strong> 83/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Весьма лёгкий фильм. Конечно, это комедия, в первую очередь, но к тому же у него довольно забавный сюжет. Действие фильма частично разворачивается в виртуальной реальности, в целой сети, которая опоясала весь земной шар и проникла во все сферы жизни людей. На мой взгляд, аватары людей уж очень смахивают на плюшевых игрушек. Это весело, конечно, но складывается ощущение, что фильм ориентирован на детей и подростков. Сюжет кстати затрагивает вполне актуальную на сегодняшний момент тему – всё большее проникновение компьютеров и виртуальной реальности в жизнь людей. Фильм безусловно смешной и весёлый с небольшим количеством грусти и печальных моментов, но всё же хотелось немного побольше юмора. <strong>Оценка:</strong> 83/100.(Fansub Group:Reanimedia) | 8 | 1/1 | Фильм |
6 | NanaНана <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Нана.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> Very "vital" anime. On the first impressions animation of expression of persons wasn't pleasant. As they smile, surprised and so forth Gait too any strange. Многовато repeating scenes. For example, the sixth series almost completely copies the first. I understand for what it is made, but really someone will forget a plot of the first series while to it will tell the biography <strong>Komatsu Nana</strong> and <strong>Osaki Nana</strong> with the second for the fifth series? In general the humor here sound, meets everywhere. And to a place. For a musical anime of music, unfortunately, not too it is a lot of. But that that is, very much it was pleasant. Directly from the first chords of the first opening song. It and the best for me. The anime looks very easily. Even quickly. It is a lot of series, but they imperceptibly fly by – won't have time to start to look, how the next series comes to an end. ![]() All those days while looked this anime, constantly thought of it, characters, a plot and other... It is possible even to tell that the anime <strong>Nana</strong> occupied all my thoughts. Or nearly so all. Read some various comments before viewing in which it was said that an ending uncertain with swing for the second season. So that was morally ready to similar "disgraces". Uncertainty it isn't so good, as personally in me causes an original devastation. It would be desirable type still, and isn't present. However, having looked at an anime, I can not tell that it comes to an end somehow too vaguely. Even almost on the contrary, all is clear, but also is what to tell in the second season. Which isn't present till now. It would be time to remove it, of course, already. So, this anime about life. Very interesting, with beautifully bound ball of destinies of characters. The favorite character – <strong>Kawamura Sachiko</strong>. Not Ordinary choice, isn't that so? | 9 | 47/47 | Сериал |
7 | Nana RecapsНана: Рекапы <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Нана. Коллаж.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> The summary of the previous series in the form of cutting of episodes from them. It is made not bad and with humour, but, nevertheless, value of such series-collages for me is low enough. <strong>My score:</strong> 79/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Краткое содержание предыдущих серий в виде нарезки эпизодов из них. Сделано это неплохо и с юмором, но, тем не менее, ценность таких серий-коллажей для меня довольно низка. <strong>Оценка:</strong> 79/100. Downloaded Episodes: 3(Fansub Group:Gropus: Live-eviL, ureshii, InuYasha 4ever Fansubs, OpenSea Fansubs & and many other people) | 8 | 3/3 | TV Спешл |
8 | HanayamataПляски с феей The name in Russian: Танцы с феей. My bad English: It was cute anime about dance "yosakoi". Don`t know anything about this dance before watching this anime, so for me it was more and informative. There are five girls, with the main factory and club organizer yosakoi half American. It is also the main engine. Sometimes it just amazes hyperactivity and ability to not give up when something does not work. Well, Hana, which in some way can be called the main character - its the complete opposite ... So cute graphics, the story still dearer interest in the subject, did not seem jaded, but the dance itself was shown not so much. Looks nice, though. My score: 73/100. My good Russian: Это было милое аниме про танец ёсакоя. Ничего не знал об этом танце до просмотра этого аниме, так что для меня оно было ещё и познавательным. Всего пять девочек, причём главная заводила и организатор клубу ёсакоя наполовину американка. Она же и главный двигатель. Порой просто поражает своей гиперактивностью и умением не унывать, когда что-то не получается. Ну, а Хана, которую в некотором роде можно назвать главной героиней - её полная противоположность... Итак, графика милая, сюжет ещё милее, тема интересна, вроде не заезжена, но самих танцев было показано не так уж и много. А жаль, красиво выглядит, однако. Оценка: 73/100.(Fansub Group:Human: anipaladin) | 7 | 12/12 | Сериал |
9 | Death NoteТетрадь смерти <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Тетрадь Смерти</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> My first anime. And the only thing in format <strong>TV</strong> which I looked on one series in day. And only because it in such format the TV channel <strong>2х2</strong> showed that. That very many it was pleasant also I not an exception. I love <strong>detectives</strong> - here a fine detective story. The <strong>mystery</strong> too is ideally entered. Looked, unfortunately, not at first, but classmates have told a plot of the first series and later I have looked at them. It was very class having looked at a series to discuss next day at university with friends this anime. To predict that will be further. Pleasant memoirs. Very much were pleasant an opening and closing song in the first part (group <strong>Nightmare</strong>). Clips too are quite good, but they have often meeting lack - in them is used shots from the anime - it turns out some kind of a spoiler. Can small, and attention to him you do not turn, but that is, that is. In general all music here is fine. Even in opening and closing songs in the second part (group <strong>Maximum the Hormone</strong>). Though after the first obeyed more hard, but anything - has got used. Even after some … years … after anime viewing till now I listen not only opening and closing songs, but also other music from this to an anime, till now goose pimples on a skin. Music underneath at an anime just fine. It would be desirable to note two names - <strong>Yoshihisa Hirano</strong> and <strong>Hideki Taniuchi</strong>. In spite of the fact that the anime very much was pleasant never till now and couldn't reconsider him. Though tried few times. Stopped hatred to <strong>Light Yagami</strong>. So, it should be seen not only that who likes a <strong>detective genre</strong>, <strong>mystery</strong>, or a <strong>thriller</strong> which here too is a lot of, or them the most powerful a combination. Simply it is necessary to see all. If, of course, you don&# | 9 | 37/37 | Сериал |