# | Название | Оценка | Эпизоды | Тип |
1 | Binbougami ga!Нищебог же! <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Нищебог же!</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> ? <strong>My score:</strong> ??/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> ? <strong>Оценка:</strong> ??/100. | – | 0/13 | Сериал |
# | Название | Оценка | Эпизоды | Тип |
1 | Mai-OtomeМай-Отомэ <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Май-Отомэ.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> Rather interesting continuation of the first season. From comparison about <strong>Mai- HiME</strong> not to leave. A high-grade second season <strong>Mai-Otome</strong> I wouldn't name. About <strong>Mai-HiME</strong> at it the anime not too is a lot of general. The Same characters with the characters. Here, perhaps, and all. Other world, other Force at girls. Some new characters. The new main heroine sets mood of all serial – ridiculous, amusing, frivolous. It is especially pleasant to note slavic names of new characters – <strong>Nina</strong>, <strong>Sergey</strong>. But it was appreciable that the name <strong>Sergey</strong> was said with some effort – all the same unusual name for <strong>Japan</strong>. At old characters absolutely other roles. Even relations between them, unfortunately, have a little changed. First of all I mean <strong>Natsuki</strong> and <strong>Shizuru</strong>. Now they it is simple friends who connect business relations. In general, the genre юри here actually is concerned only by one character. And high-grade pair at it isn't present. On style it first of all a comedy. More ridiculous can even and cheerful, than <strong>Mai-HiME</strong>. Moreover in <strong>Mai-Otome</strong> of full parody to the first season. That there are only dialogues in the end of each series after ED. By the way now here already two opening compositions unlike the first season. But closing for some reason one. And a clip on it very unpretentious. Also, unfortunately, the clip on the second OP abounds with spoilers. If the first season very obviously shared on two halves – the first comedy, the second – dramatic in <strong>Mai-Otome</strong> the drama left weak enough. Especially, if to remember that was created in <strong>Mai-HiME</strong>. Not to tell that it so is bad. Gravity of an event has considerably decreased. Total, the first season was pleasant hardly more. Its dr | 8 | 26/26 | Сериал |
2 | Mai-Otome ZweiМай-Отомэ 2 <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Май-Отомэ OVA-1.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> Good continuation of the basic serial. The same humour, characters and a scene of action. The plot is interesting, but it is possible to find easily to what to carp. However, if the serial this OVA certainly should be seen was pleasant. Each series had a closing song. All of them, including that that sounded in the basic serial, are very beautiful. It is a pity, there are no clips on these songs – during their sounding there is caption... In each series there is a quite good background music. Truth except as "quite good" about it nothing to tell more. For fans of a genre shoujo ai here practically anything isn't present, except one small sketch with participation of a considerable quantity of Otome. And that to all fault alcohol. Having looked, than all has definitively ended (I doubt that will make a high-grade second season, though if World Otome is popular enough...), now it is possible to look from what all began (OVA-2). <strong>My score:</strong> 81/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Хорошее продолжение основного сериала. Тот же юмор, персонажи и место действия. Сюжет интересен, но можно легко найти к чему придраться. Впрочем, если понравился сериал, то эту OVA безусловно стоит увидеть. У каждой серии была своя закрывающая песня. Все они, включая ту, что звучала в основном сериале, очень красивы. Жаль, нет клипов на эти песни – во время их звучания идут титры... В каждой серии есть неплохая фоновая музыка. Правда кроме как «неплохая» про неё больше нечего сказать. Для любителей жанра сёдзе-ай здесь практически ничего нет, кроме одной небольшой сценки с участием большого количества Отомэ. Да и то всему виной алкоголь. Посмотрев, чем всё окончательно закончилось (сомневаюсь, что сделают полноценный второй сезон, хотя, если Вселенная Отомэ будет достаточно популярна...), теперь можно взглянуть с чего же всё начиналось (OVA-2). <strong>Оценка:</strong> 81/100. Do | 8 | 4/4 | OVA |
3 | Mai-Otome 0: S.ifrМай-Отомэ OVA <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Май-Отомэ OVA-2.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> Ah, and so as all began. One more good addition to the basic serial. There are here some illogical moments. And it, of course, not girls with super-force. However, all is with interest compensated by fine humour. With each series to look all each new series better previous is more interesting also. It is a pity that them only three pieces. That on it history of the Universe Mai-Otome comes to an end. At least yet won't remove any continuation. I, truth, doubt it. <strong>My score:</strong> 80/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Ах, так вот как всё начиналось. Ещё одно хорошее дополнение к основному сериалу. Есть здесь некоторые нелогичные моменты. И это, конечно, не девушки с супер-силой. Впрочем, всё с лихвой компенсируется прекрасным юмором. С каждой серией смотреть всё интереснее и каждая новая серия лучше предыдущей. Жаль, что их всего-то три штуки. Что ж на этом история Вселенной Май-Отомэ заканчивается. По крайней мере пока не снимут какое-нибудь продолжение. Я, правда, в этом сомневаюсь. <strong>Оценка:</strong> 80/100. Downloaded Episodes: 3 | 8 | 3/3 | OVA |
4 | Mai-HiMEМай-Химэ <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Май-Химэ.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> At first it seemed that it will be enough average anime. Schoolgirls with super-force... But in an anime excellent humour thanks to which this all looks funny enough. It seems that the love here will be on the first place, and HiME is such fan-service... So there passes first half of anime, but even in it there was a place to rather dramatic moments. Has impressed. Much more, than a comedy component of an anime. Love nevertheless in first half and so it is enough, especially until then while all true essence HiME isn't clear. With each series to look all it is more interesting. And here second half of anime begins. To a comedy in it of a place any more doesn't remain. It is one continuous drama. The plot “twists” all more strongly. It seems that the ending will be very dark. At last, there is very interesting yuri a pair of girls. However, from a drama any of characters to some extent hasn't left... The anime obviously doesn't suffice one more opening and closing songs. OP and ED are ideally suited for first half of anime where ball corrects love and a comedy, light and heat. But for second half OP and ED at all don't approach. There such drama, darkness, hatred, death, and show us all the same solar OP and ED. So, from sensation on the first series that <strong>Mai-HiME</strong> – a mediocre anime I with each seen series “have come” to that the anime appears simply excellent. First of all, of course, I will remember the dramatic moments, since the very first – the most impressed. The ending certainly very much has pleased. Thanks to it will remember a plot pleasantly and without serious consequences. An excellent anime! <strong>My score:</strong> 87/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> По началу казалось, что это будет довольно среднее аниме. Школьницы с супер-силой... Но в аниме отличный юмор, благодаря которому выглядит это всё довольно забавно. Кажется, | 9 | 26/26 | Сериал |
5 | Colorful (Movie)Многоцветье <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Многоцветье.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> The person has died. His soul has received the second chance to begin new life. And though it not very much also would like it the offer it is accepted. However now he is a schoolboy-suicide, successfully finished himself, but revived thanks to new soul. All its memoirs were, naturally, are erased, differently so after all and the schizophrenia or a dual personality will develop. Certainly, happy people don't settle scores with life, and the person who has received to the second chance should try strongly to pass the training limited on time in a new body. It is a psychological drama which keeps in suspense to the end. The bared nerve of difficult human mutual relations, both in a family, and with contemporaries from school is felt. <strong>My score:</strong> 89/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Умер человек. Его душа получила второй шанс начать новую жизнь. И хотя ей этого не очень-то и хотелось предложение было принято. Однако теперь он – школьник-самоубийца, успешно покончивший собой, но оживший благодаря новой душе. Все её воспоминания были, естественно, стёрты, иначе так ведь и шизофрения или раздвоение личности разовьётся. Конечно, счастливые люди не сводят счёты с жизнью, и получившему второй шанс человеку придётся сильно постараться, чтобы пройти ограниченную по времени стажировку в новом теле. Это психологическая драма, которая держит в напряжении до самого конца. Чувствуется оголённый нерв сложных человеческих взаимоотношений, как в семье, так и со сверстниками из школы. <strong>Оценка:</strong> 89/100.(Fansub Group:Reanimedia) | 9 | 1/1 | Фильм |
6 | Danshi Koukousei no NichijouПовседневная жизнь старшеклассников <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Повседневная жизнь старшеклассников.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> The good anime is unconditional. Music very was pleasant. Many cheerful jokes, humour. Posing pleasant to an eye. From the negative moments I can note that all series share on small stories. It is clear that it is daily occurrence where there is no twirled plot. But I would prefer, that each series had a consecutive narration without crushing on micro episodes. The humour is good, but to many jokes it is possible to guess and foretell that here now there will be something ridiculous. And when you feel similar any more and ridiculously. <strong>My score:</strong> 81/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Безусловно хорошее аниме. Очень понравилась музыка. Достаточно много весёлых шуток, юмора. Приятная глазу рисовка. Из отрицательных моментов могу отметить, что все серии делятся на небольшие истории. Понятно, что это повседневность, где нет какого-то закрученного сюжета. Но я бы предпочёл, чтобы у каждой серии было последовательное повествование без дробления на микро эпизоды. Юмор хорош, но до многих шуток можно догадаться и предсказать, что вот сейчас будет что-то смешное. А когда чувствуешь подобное уже не так и смешно. <strong>Оценка:</strong> 81/100. Downloaded Episodes: 12(Fansub Group ![]() | 8 | 12/12 | Сериал |