# | Название | Оценка | Эпизоды | Тип |
1 | Maria-sama ga MiteruДева Мария смотрит за вами1 повторный просмотр <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Дева Мария смотрит за вами.</u></strong> <strong>The first re-watch</strong> was on 14 Sep 2011 – 17 Sep 2011. <strong>My bad English:</strong> The first season of a classical anime in a genre <strong>shoujo ai</strong>. After repeated viewing posing was pleasant. When looked for the first time persons of characters weren't pleasant, but after repeated viewing of similar sensations aren't present. It can is a little non-standard, but creates unique atmosphere. Posing is rather beautiful and differs radically from modern «kawaii». More close by the end from opening and closing compositions began «to scold to bones». In them there is no vocal, but compositions just fine. And still there is an excellent song in last series. It very beautifully finishes the first season. It was not pleasant that to the spectator haven't shown a festival slice <strong>“Cinderella”</strong>. Prepared for it throughout the several first series. Prepared, prepared... And suddenly, “bum”, and it is already played. It has unpleasantly surprised. At least steam of minutes could for it give. The narration would be more complete. Besides they had such beautiful suits and music, dances... And one more moment - <strong>Udzava Mifuju</strong>. Almost the same as and with <strong> "Cinderella" </strong> - show her life piece, and then it as if disappears from this world. And it is more you than it won't see. It is sad. Though on the other hand it is necessary to recognize that its history is quite finished. At least, such impression is created on one of its last phrases. But here it is a lot of realism. And the genre <strong>shoujo ai</strong> in itself is more realistic, than <strong>yuri</strong>, and an anime plot realistic, and a scene of action (school in the middle of a city). And realism it is good. On one breath looks not only the first season, but also all the others. <strong>My score:</strong> 81/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Первый сезон классического аниме в жанре <strong>сёдзе-ай</s | 8 | 13/13 | Сериал |
2 | Maria-sama ga Miteru 3rdДева Мария смотрит за вами 31 повторный просмотр <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Дева Мария смотрит за вами 3.</u></strong> <strong>The first re-watch</strong> was on 21 Sep 2011 - 26 Sep 2011. <strong>My bad English:</strong> The third season is even better than first two. Certainly, it doesn't mean that they weren't pleasant to me. Probably, the drawing though in it an anime for me it isn't too important has still improved. At the third season the opening and closing songs distinct from first two. Opening very much it was pleasant. In a composition there are elements of classical music. They very much approach «Marimite». Closing more active, composition good, but similar music, in my opinion, not very much approaches the given anime. The general duration of all season is approximately equal previous to two, but now it OVA – only five series, but for 50 minutes. Were pleasant, perhaps all. To a greater or lesser extent. I am glad to see, at last, though any great occasion at school <strong>Lilian</strong>. The sports festival became this event. An excellent series, all has been organized at high level. Also we have more close got acquainted with academy <strong>Hanadera</strong> in which brother <strong>Yumi</strong> studies. But last series has most of all pleased. In it on especial steams of girls are marked. It is difficult to me to explain it. Always it is better to see once, than hundred times to hear. <strong>My score:</strong> 90/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Третий сезон ещё лучше первых двух. Конечно, это не значит, что они мне не понравились. Возможно, ещё улучшилась графика, хотя в этом аниме для меня это не так уж и важно. У третьего сезона свои, отличные от первых двух, открывающая и закрывающая песни. Открывающая очень понравилась. В композиции есть элементы классической музыки. Они очень подходят «Деве Марии...» Закрывающая более активная, сама композиция хорошая, но подобная музыка, по-моему, не очень-то подходит данному аниме. Общая продолжительность всего сезона примерно равна предыдущим двум, но теперь это OVA – всего пять | 9 | 5/5 | OVA |
3 | Maria-sama ga Miteru 3rd SpecialsДева Мария смотрит за вами 3: Спецвыпуски <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Дева Мария смотрит за вами 3. Дополнительные эпизоды.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> As always it is rather ridiculous. Here only at once the difference between a serial from 13 episodes (the previous two seasons) and OVA from 5 series is appreciable. Because additional episodes too only five. Though in last seasons was not on much more, but all the same it is more! And besides last additional episode is made by more lyrical, than comedy. <strong>My score:</strong> 79/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Как всегда весьма смешно. Вот только сразу заметна разница между сериалом из 13 эпизодов (предыдущие два сезона) и OVA из 5 серий. Потому что дополнительных эпизодов тоже всего лишь пять. Хотя в прошлых сезонах было не на много больше, но всё-таки больше! И к тому же последний дополнительный эпизод сделан более лирическим, чем комедийным. <strong>Оценка:</strong> 79/100. Downloaded Episodes: 5(Fansub Group:Peoples: Anonymous, Allaire, fedor) | 8 | 5/5 | Спешл |
4 | Maria-sama ga Miteru 4thДева Мария смотрит за вами 41 повторный просмотр <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Дева Мария смотрит за вами 4.</u></strong> <strong>The first re-watch</strong> was on 29 Sep 2011 - 01 Oct 2011. <strong>My bad English:</strong> First it seemed that the fourth season doesn't have that unique aura of the previous seasons. But such impression at me has developed, most likely, because of very matured characters. First of all, it is <strong>Yumi</strong>. Certainly, not only it isn't necessary on a place, but <strong>Yumi</strong> is the central character of the classical saga in a genre shoujo ai. It became much stronger, as her brother in the third season has noticed. Thus remained same opened and sincere. Relations of <strong>Yumi</strong> and <strong>Sachiko</strong> left on new level. Therefore a lot of time as it would be desirable is given their relations not too. Simply there is nothing to tell, after all they understand each other from a half-word. Than me all this anime so it by a word <strong>"Gokigenyou"</strong> ("Hello", very rare and polite female greeting) was remembered. I think exists in the anime world where it is possible to meet this word a little. Therefore it, for me inseparably linked first of all from an anime <strong>Maria-sama ga Miteru</strong>. I consider that this word gives to this anime the special unique charm favourably distinguishing an anime <strong>Maria-sama ga Miteru</strong> from other animes in a genre <strong>shoujo ai</strong>. Very much I hope that the fifth season of this history will be let out. The anime of it is worthy. <strong>My score:</strong> 88/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Поначалу казалось, что у четвёртого сезона нет той уникальной ауры предыдущих сезонов. Но такое впечатление у меня сложилось, скорее всего, из-за очень повзрослевших персонажей. В первую очередь, это <strong>Юми</strong>. Конечно, не только она не стоит на месте, но <strong>Юми</strong> – это центральный персонаж всей классической саги в жанре сёдзе-ай. Она стала намного сильнее, как заметил её брат ещё в третьем сезоне. При эт | 9 | 13/13 | Сериал |
5 | Maria-sama ga Miteru 4th SpecialsДева Мария смотрит за вами 4: Спецвыпуски <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Дева Мария смотрит за вами 4. Дополнительные эпизоды.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> Additional episodes from the previous seasons were more ridiculous. Here many specific Japanese terms. But as a whole, at least, rather funny. <strong>My score:</strong> 79/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Дополнительные эпизоды из предыдущих сезонов были посмешнее. Здесь же немало специфических японских терминов. Но в целом, как минимум, весьма забавно. <strong>Оценка:</strong> 79/100. Downloaded Episodes: 11(Fansub Group:Human: Fanateek) | 8 | 11/11 | Спешл |
6 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: HaruДева Мария смотрит за вами: Весна1 повторный просмотр <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Дева Мария смотрит за вами: Весна.</u></strong> <strong>The first re-watch</strong> was on 19 Sep 2011 - 20 Sep 2011. <strong>My bad English:</strong> The second season of a classical anime in a genre <strong>shoujo ai</strong>. With each season to look all it is more interesting, are more and more involved. From the first season opening and closing compositions are borrowed, only, if in the first season they were without a vocal in the second to an opening composition have added a beautiful song. Including thanking these compositions from the first season of an anime looks uniform, indivisible history. Not very much also it would be desirable to divide this anime into seasons. The smooth narration also promotes sensation of integrity of seasons. Time goes the turn, old characters leave, there are new. It is life. It is very realistic the shown life. <strong>My score:</strong> 85/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Второй сезон классического аниме в жанре <strong>сёдзе-ай</strong>. С каждым сезоном смотреть всё интереснее, всё больше втягиваешься. Из первого сезона позаимствованы открывающая и закрывающая композиции, только, если в первом сезоне они были без вокала, то во втором к открывающей композиции добавили красивую песню. В том числе и благодаря этим композициям из первого сезона аниме выглядит единой, неделимой историей. Не очень-то и хочется делить это аниме на сезоны. Плавное повествование также способствует ощущению целостности сезонов. Время идёт своим чередом, старые персонажи уходят, появляются новые. Это жизнь. Очень реалистично показанная жизнь. <strong>Оценка:</strong> 85/100. Downloaded Episodes: 13 | 9 | 13/13 | Сериал |
7 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Haru SpecialsДева Мария смотрит за вами: Весна — Спецвыпуски <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Дева Мария смотрит за вами: Весна. Дополнительные эпизоды.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> Perhaps, the same ridiculous as well as additional episodes of the first season. Only in their first season was on one more. And still, probably, a bit more ridiculously. <strong>My score:</strong> 80/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Пожалуй, такие же смешные как и дополнительные эпизоды первого сезона. Только в первом сезоне их было на один побольше. И всё же, возможно, немного посмешнее. <strong>Оценка:</strong> 80/100. Downloaded Episodes: 6 | 8 | 6/6 | Спешл |
8 | Maria-sama ga Miteru SpecialsДева Мария смотрит за вами: Спецвыпуски <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Дева Мария смотрит за вами. Дополнительные эпизоды.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> Excellent addition to a serial. Parody all most key moments of the first season. The majority of jokes unequivocally was pleasant. <strong>My score:</strong> 81/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Отличное дополнение к сериалу. С пародированы все самые ключевые моменты первого сезона. Большинство шуток однозначно понравилось. <strong>Оценка:</strong> 81/100. Downloaded Episodes: 7 | 8 | 7/7 | Спешл |
9 | Sakura TrickПроделки сакуры <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Вишнёвые шалости.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> Long ago there was no full of yuri anime. "Sakura Trick" that certainly is. I think, the anime will become famous first of all for quantity of kisses. I am more while anywhere didn't see. Comedy component in an anime rather weak. Though in each series also there are amusing episodes, but it is a little of them and not very much they ridiculous. At an anime is present fanservice. Sounds directly as the prevention. ![]() Music was remembered by nothing, OP and ED ordinary, but OP was pleasant much more. Graphics also somewhere at the average level. Besides fanservice there is a wish to carp at curve feet. It becomes is directly a pity for Japanese. Besides the most important heroines - Haruka and Yu - in "Sakura" is two more couples. To Kotona and Shizuku really are couple, with the history and the small drama that you won't tell about Yuzu and Kaede. Unfortunately, and it is visible even according to the clip on opening song, they for each other remain friends. Very close friends, but... It is a pity. The last series was the best of all. Beautiful end of series. Nevertheless, as a whole expectations from an anime fully weren't met. Probably these expectations were too overestimated, especially after Yuru Yuri, but... Much that didn't suffice. <strong>My score:</strong> 73/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Давно не было полностью юрийных анимешек. "Сакура" таковой безусловно является. Думаю, аниме в среде юрийщиков прославится прежде всего количеством поцелуев. Больше я пока нигде не видел. Комедийная составляющая в аниме достаточно слабая. Хоть в каждой серии и есть забавные эпизоды, но их немного и не шибко-то они смешные. В аниме присутствует фансервис. Звучит прямо как предупреждение. ![]() Музыкальное сопровождение ничем не запомнилось, OP и ED средненькие, но OP понравился намного | 7 | 12/12 | Сериал |
10 | SimounСимун <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Шимун.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> <strong>Terminology:</strong> <strong>Daikuuriku</strong> – the anime world. All people in this world are born women. At the age of 17th years they can choose to themselves a floor: to remain the woman or to become the man. <strong>Simulacrum</strong> – the peace theocratic state possessing unique technologies, being tidbits for other states <strong>Daikuuriku</strong>. <strong>Simoun</strong> – the unique flying machine. It is intended for rise of prayers. The action principle is unknown. Moves on the sky with the help heliomotor. For start and work maintenance гелиомотора two priestesses who will operate by <strong>Simoun</strong> are necessary. <strong>Sibyllae</strong> – a priestess of the theocratic state <strong>Daikuuriku</strong>. The girls who have not chosen a floor can be priestesses only. <strong>Ri Maajon</strong> – a prayer which uplift <strong>Sibyllae</strong> on <strong> шимунах </strong> during flight. Execution various <strong>Ri Maajon</strong> (for example, Fluffy, Emerald, etc.) needs different quantity <strong>Simouns</strong>. During war by means of similar prayers the large quantity of enemies is destroyed. <strong>Chor Tempest</strong> – all <strong>Sibyllae</strong> are distributed on various <strong>Choruses</strong> – to such small squadrons. Besides <strong> Storm Chorus </strong> in an anime are mentioned <strong>Chorus of Head</strong> and <strong>Rising Chorus</strong>. <strong>The Prime Arcus</strong> – the ship-aircraft carrier. ![]() Rather interesting anime. Truth with the lacks. But also not without advantages, certainly. It is a lot of surrealism. It both <strong>simouns</strong> and usual rotary-wing planes enemies of Simulacrum. Screws behind - it is somehow unreal look, when all life you see opposite in the real world. Well, <strong>simouns</strong> it is possible to forgive all - uniq | 8 | 26/26 | Сериал |
11 | Yami to Boushi to Hon no TabibitoТьма, шляпа и те, кто путешествуют по книге <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Ями, Шляпа и те, кто путешествуют по книге. </u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> Interesting, but a specific anime. Series were looked through very quickly. One series lasts 25 minutes, but after viewing of each series sensation that it lasts no more than 10-15 minutes. The introduction very short. It is not enough information on sisters. Heroes skip on the worlds, and transition from one world to another sharp enough. In one series in one world, in another – already in other... Simply there is no sketch where they decide that the further searches in this world are senseless and it is time to leave. The worlds – one another are worse. Too many characters with big, no, even with a huge breast. It isn't pleasant to me, not realistic looks. No less than that occurred in these worlds. It is possible to think up, of course, everything, everything. But there is a fantasy in which easily you trust, it is clear. That I have seen in the majority of the worlds of this anime to believe difficult. However second half has seen for one day – it was very interesting. At last, mutual relations of all characters began to clear up, looked on one breath. In general, the fascinating anime has turned out difficult, but. Many moments weren't pleasant, but as a whole the impression is faster the positive. Though the word positive is badly joined to all that I have seen. Quite probably that it is necessary to look somehow in the future at this anime once again, for the sake of the best impressions. Probably, then it will be pleasant to me even more. But is so many anime which I didn't look... <strong>My score:</strong> 88/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Интересное, но специфическое аниме. Серии просматривались очень быстро. Одна серия длится 25 минут, но после просмотра каждой серии ощущение, что длится она не больше 10-15 минут. Вступление очень короткое. О сёстрах почти ничего неизвестно. Герои скачут по мирам, причём переход от одного мира | 9 | 13/13 | Сериал |