# | Название | Оценка | Эпизоды | Тип |
1 | Aa! Megami-sama! (TV)Моя богиня! <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Моя Богиня!</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> ? <strong>My score:</strong> ??/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> ? <strong>Оценка:</strong> ??/100. | – | 0/24 | Сериал |
2 | Aa! Megami-sama! Sorezore no TsubasaМоя богиня! У каждого есть крылья <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Моя Богиня! (сезон второй)</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> ? <strong>My score:</strong> ??/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> ? <strong>Оценка:</strong> ??/100. | – | 0/22 | Сериал |
# | Название | Оценка | Эпизоды | Тип |
1 | Candy Boy: Nonchalant Talk of the Certain Twin Sisters in Daily LifeКэнди-Бой5 повторных просмотров <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Кэнди-Бой.</u></strong> <strong>The second re-watch</strong> was on 02 Oct 2010. <strong>The third re-watch</strong> was on 10 Nov 2010. <strong>The fourth re-watch</strong> was on 27-28 Apr 2011. <strong>The fifth re-watch</strong> was on 05 May 2012. <strong>My bad English:</strong> Magnificent thing. A bright and fine anime. The best anime in a genre <strong>shoujo ai</strong>. Anime very short. Bright such flash and everything, has ended. For one evening all has seen. Indeed it would be desirable continuation any. Though the plot here is simple enough. But it would be desirable to look more and more... Though all series also go on the average 15 minutes (surprisingly, but the sixth - 12 minutes, but the seventh - all 20 minutes - what willfulness), but the time use on a maximum - there are no opening and closing clips. The plot develops even in time of sounding of various compositions. Action begins from first second and comes to an end on last each episode. Music, by the way, very much was pleasant. First of all a vocal. Certainly, there it is a little music, as all animes very short. But music clings. Directly for heart. Goose pimples on a skin. Periodically with pleasure I listen. In general for this purpose animes, in my opinion, very much approach epithets "warm","soft", "kind", "house" and, of course, "white" and "the fluffy". ![]() Besides most <strong>ONA</strong> a serial from seven series exist still <strong>OVA</strong>, <strong>EX01</strong> and <strong>EX02</strong> – good bonuses which too it is necessary to look. If, of course, you liked a serial. In <strong>EX01</strong> the drawing of landscapes – very beautifully has impressed. I think, I am glad to absence in the column "a drama" genre. Absolutely, of course, it is not obligatory that with a drama would be worse, but not so is more <em>light</em>, whether is more cheerful that it is exact. Has still impressed, as they there sigh and... <em>low</em>. Хм, a rude word, but I can not think up any softer s | 10 | 7/7 | ONA |
2 | Candy☆Boy: Side Story For ArchiveКэнди-Бой: Нулевой эпизод4 повторных просмотра <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Кэнди-бой. Эпизод 0.</u></strong> <strong>The first re-watch</strong> was on 01 Oct 2010. <strong>The second re-watch</strong> was on 09 Nov 2010. <strong>The third re-watch</strong> was on 27 Apr 2011. <strong>The fourth re-watch</strong> was on 03 May 2012. <strong>My bad English:</strong> It is recommended to viewing after the anime-serial. Therefore as contains scenes from it - some kind of spoilers. Though in it also there is a scene which has not got to a serial. In general anyway it only small addition to a serial. Too, unfortunately, not to the long. <strong>My score:</strong> 79/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Рекомендуется к просмотру после самого аниме-сериала. Потому как содержит сцены из него - своего рода спойлеры. Хотя в нём и есть сцена, не попавшая в сам сериал. В общем в любом случае это всего лишь маленькое дополнение к сериалу. Тоже, к сожалению, не продолжительному. <strong>Оценка:</strong> 79/100. Downloaded Episodes: 1 | 8 | 1/1 | ONA |
3 | Candy Boy Episode: EX01 - Mirai YohouzuКэнди-Бой: Спецвыпуск 14 повторных просмотра <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Кэнди-бой. Ex01.</u></strong> <strong>The first re-watch</strong> was on 1 Oct 2010. <strong>The second re-watch</strong> was on 11 Nov 2010. <strong>The third re-watch</strong> was on 28 Apr 2011. <strong>The fourth re-watch</strong> was on 03 May 2012. <strong>My bad English:</strong> Good addition to so short anime to a serial. In this episode the portrayal of landscapes has impressed. However even with all additional episodes all animes you look through only for one evening. But what it will be evening and the next days! <strong>My score:</strong> 84/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Хорошее дополнение к столь короткому аниме сериалу. В этом эпизоде впечатлила прорисовка пейзажей. Впрочем даже со всеми дополнительными эпизодами всё аниме просматриваешь всего лишь за один вечер. Зато какой это будет вечер и последующие дни! <strong>Оценка:</strong> 84/100. Downloaded Episodes: 1 | 8 | 1/1 | OVA |
4 | Candy Boy Episode: EX02 - Shiawase Kyouyuu RironКэнди-Бой: Спецвыпуск 24 повторных просмотра <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Кэнди-бой.</u></strong> <strong>The first re-watch</strong> was on 01 Oct 2010. <strong>The second re-watch</strong> was on 11 Nov 2010. <strong>The third re-watch</strong> was on 28 Apr 2011. <strong>The fourth re-watch</strong> was on 03 May 2012. <strong>My bad English:</strong> Last episode Candy Boy which I have looked. Such short, what even I do not know what to tell about it. However all episodes of this fine anime are very short. But though their time is used on a maximum - there are no opening and closing songs. <strong>My score:</strong> 83/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Последний эпизод <strong>Кэнди-боя</strong>. Короткий, как, впрочем, и все эпизоды этого интересного аниме. Нет каких-либо открывающих и закрывающих клипов, так, что время, отпущенное эпизоду как всегда для <strong>Кэнди-боя</strong> используется по максимуму. <strong>Оценка:</strong> 83/100. Downloaded Episodes: 1 | 8 | 1/1 | Спешл |
5 | Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga NaiНу не может моя сестрёнка быть такой милой <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Моя младшая сестра не может быть такой милой.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> The anime of more powerful comedy expected from it. It is a lot of ridiculous and cheerful moments for 12 series, but it would be possible to make and more. The same <strong>KissXSis</strong> on an order was more ridiculous. The most cheerful moments were in second half of the anime, the first – more lyrical. In general an anime about hard life otaku. Even in Japan to these people it is uneasy, though it is the native land of an anime, a manga and the light novels. That otaku is a fourteen-year honors pupil, the sportswoman, the model – only complicates to it life. After all it in the attention center, and here to have to hide such hobby. Or even mania. And, if to remember its specific tastes... It is good that there is a big brother ready on everything to support the little sister, despite of its nasty character. I from the account have got off, how many here various clips on OP and ED. And songs are quite good. The ending was pleasant. However, even if <strong>Kirino</strong> also hasn't cancelled the decision, also looked quite not bad. And so in general a good ending. Interesting, cheerful, modern anime about mutual relations of the girl-otaku with the family, friends and new friends. <strong>My score:</strong> 81/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Ожидал от этого аниме более мощной комедии. Смешных и весёлых моментов немало для 12 серий, но можно было бы сделать и побольше. Тот же <strong>KissXSis</strong> был на порядок смешнее. Самые весёлые моменты были во второй половине аниме, первая же – более лирическая. Вообще же аниме о нелёгкой жизни отаку. Даже в Японии этим людям непросто, хотя это родина аниме, манги и иллюстрированных романов (игр). То, что отаку – это четырнадцатилетняя отличница, спортсменка, модель – только усложняет ей жизнь. Ведь она в центре внимания, а тут приходиться скрывать такое хобби. Или увлечение. Или даже мани | 8 | 12/12 | Сериал |
6 | Ga-Rei: ZeroПожиратели духов: Зеро <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Пожиратели Духов: Зеро.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> The fighter wasn't pleasant - too pathosly and isn't realistic. Japanese style of pathos speeches and action is felt really especially. Though, it belongs only to scenes where there are a lot of characters. Generally it is the first series. Fights on катанах with participation of the mythical called beings look very much even well. Syodzyo-ay in this anime is, but it isn't enough of it and it is very specific. Two girls being ekzortsist with heavy destiny, very strongly approached. But, unfortunately, scenes of their close friendship are shown generally strangely enough, in the clip on opening song. Usually after all as happens: in similar clips cuttings of scenes from an anime are used. But here, unfortunately, the scenes shown in an opening, in the anime are absent. It is a pity, however. They not only had the heavy childhood burdened with destiny of all ekzortsist, but also the most difficult work connected with risk for life. After all the only purpose of demons whom they expel, this murder of people. Dramas, the tragedy in this anime suffices with interest. By the way, some demons, especially large, are surprisingly badly drawn. A little it jarred on. But it is a little. In an anime there is also some philosophical question. It can be seen in each series under the name of an anime. "You could kill darling because of love? " You don't hurry to speak "no", at first look at this anime. <strong>My score:</strong> 86/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Боевик не понравился - чересчур пафосно и не реалистично. Чувствуется прямо-таки сугубо японский стиль пафосных речей и действия. Хотя, это относится лишь к сценам, где много действующих лиц. В основном это первые серии. Бои на катанах с участием мифических призванных существ смотрятся очень даже хорошо. Сёдзё-ай в этом аниме есть, но его мало и он весьма специфичен. Две девушки, являющиеся экзорцистами с тяжёлой судьбой, очень сильно сблизились. Но, к | 9 | 12/12 | Сериал |
7 | Sasameki KotoЯ тихо прошепчу <strong>The name in Russian: <u>Я нашепчу тебе.</u></strong> <strong>My bad English:</strong> When for the first time has seen <strong>Murasame</strong>, the first thought was: <em>«hey, same <strong>Fumi</strong> from <strong>Aoi Hana</strong>»</em>. Very much they are similar. Concerning an anime as a whole - the good representative of a genre <strong>shoujo ai</strong>. The beautiful drawing though indeed it is a lot of static scenes. All songs there sad. And that the <strong>comedy</strong> genre more surprisingly here looks. That is he looks farfetched. Though it can after <strong>Kiss X Sis</strong> such impression. The local comedy raises generally a smile, but not laughter. The plot was pleasant. It was interesting to look - many non-standard situations. Nevertheless the ending has disappointed - expected to see or at least to hear a declaration of love. <strong>My score:</strong> 84/100. <strong>My good Russian:</strong> Когда впервые увидел <strong>Мурасамэ</strong>, первая мысль была: <em>«ба, это же <strong>Фуми</strong> из <strong>Голубых цветов</strong>»</em>. Уж очень они похожи. Касательно аниме в целом - хороший представитель жанра <strong>сёдзе-ай</strong>. Красивая графика, хотя статических сцен и вправду немало. Все песни там грустные и печальные. И тем удивительнее тут смотрится жанр <strong>комедии</strong>. То есть он смотрится притянутым за уши. Хотя может это после <strong>Kiss X Sis</strong> такое впечатление. Здешняя комедия вызывает по большей части улыбку, но не смех. Сюжет понравился. Интересно было смотреть - много нестандартных ситуаций. <strong>Оценка:</strong> 84/100. Downloaded Episodes: 13 | 8 | 13/13 | Сериал |