Connection to internet also introduced her to independent anime project created by Yasuhiro Yoshiura and Makoto Shinkai which gave a huge impact on her to the point to where her passion towards anime made her decide to create her own anime project during her student years.
Normally, it takes many staffs to complete an anime project but that's not the case for her. She used to do that all by herself from her years as just a student so she is extraordinary talented with full of skills and also holds many years of field experiences as a production staff.
Japan is filled with talented animation creators. However, it's also very difficult for young creators to create a full scale project even with a strong passion or even strong and talented skills. Okamoto was also one of them who wanted to perfect her project even more but her limit of budget limited her to do so. Her passion towards her project grows stronger day by day but this limitation puts her to a stop from completing her project. We thought that Kickstarter can actually create an anime production style that can break through the limit so that's why we decided to launch this project.
Однако, это всего лишь моё ощущение, как оно будет на самом деле...
@Dark_zarich, Для Little Witch Academia и Under the Dog деньги тоже на kickstarter собирали.@Paranoid@BlackMetalFan, Ссылка на kickstarter в новости есть >>©<<1280x643
As Okamoto grew up in the countryside, she was not able to watch as much anime as she wanted as a child. As a reaction to this, her passion towards anime became stronger than others.
Connection to internet also introduced her to independent anime project created by Yasuhiro Yoshiura and Makoto Shinkai which gave a huge impact on her to the point to where her passion towards anime made her decide to create her own anime project during her student years.
Normally, it takes many staffs to complete an anime project but that's not the case for her. She used to do that all by herself from her years as just a student so she is extraordinary talented with full of skills and also holds many years of field experiences as a production staff.
Japan is filled with talented animation creators. However, it's also very difficult for young creators to create a full scale project even with a strong passion or even strong and talented skills. Okamoto was also one of them who wanted to perfect her project even more but her limit of budget limited her to do so. Her passion towards her project grows stronger day by day but this limitation puts her to a stop from completing her project. We thought that Kickstarter can actually create an anime production style that can break through the limit so that's why we decided to launch this project.
@BlackMetalFan@Tedeika, ага и второй тайтл получился полной фигней@Clear Foe,@Yazawa Nico@mapes, это mecha-ude (mechanical arms) - механические руки. Не традиционные меха.@mapes@mapes, у тян под юбкой@Tedeika, о,думал очередные громадные роботы,но так горзадо лучше,так что пускай собирают.@nemunga, тогда не стоило в новости писать, что это "меха аниме"@Tedeika³@mapes, «меха» в японском обозначает любую механическую технику.@Clear Foe@Tedeika, но больше всё-таки роботы.@Tedeika³@Karumisuji, Там ещё фигурка идёт и худи.